I received a digital copy of this book from the editor in exchange for a fair review.
Zoey and Daniel have been together since they were thirteen years old. When Daniel is killed by a drunk driver, Zoey thinks her life is over.
When he returns to her as a vampire, she lets herself believe everything will be as it once was. Only she loses him again when the vampire Council takes him away to be trained/controlled.
Skip ahead five years and Daniel is back, though not like he was before. He keeps Zoey away, gives her half-truths and basically breaks her heart. He only stays around to protect her and in her line of work, she needs it.
Zoey is a low-level thief. Not as great as her father, but getting there. Daniel is part of her crew, along with Neil the gay werewolf and Sarah the witch.
A strange man named Halfer hires her to steal a supernatural object called the Light of Alhorra, she realizes too late that she made a deal with a demon and her soul is at stake.
In the middle of this her troll friends (yes, troll. Not like Harry Potter “there’s a troll in the dungeon!” troll but nice humanish trolls that live under a bridge) convince her to forget Daniel already and get some hot new action! They fix her up with Devinshea Quinn, a sexy half-fae that has been interested in Zoey for a while.
While she is trying to fix her love life, she is also trying to save herself and her crew from an eternity in hell.
There is lots of action and sex and backstabbing and supernatural creatures (vampires and werewolves and faeries, oh my!). It has a bit of a Southern Vampire Mysteries feel to it, which I enjoyed. I love books where these supernatural creatures are living among us in their own underground society, and few humans know about them.
It starts out a bit slow during the setup of the story but quickly picks up the pace, with lots of actions scenes, and a few sexy times scenes. It’s hard to get bored during this book, once it got into its groove, I couldn’t put it down.
Zoey tries to be strong and independent but I feel like she gets in over her head a lot. She’s been pining for years after Daniel. Now she is stuck between two men while a demon is trying to steal her soul.
Daniel gives Zoey a bunch of the “I’m a vamp now, so I’m not good for you” crap which annoyed me at first but then you learn what it really means in the vamp society to have a human mate and you give Daniel a bit of a break.
Neil was a stereotypical campy gay character that likes to shop and go clubbing but he was also a pretty badass wolf and he is super loyal to Zoey.
I really liked Dev; he stood out the most for me. He didn’t seem to have any kind of motive other than making Zoey happy. He is very forgiving and understanding, especially when it comes to Daniel and Zoey’s relationship.
What happened with the Light of Alhorra was…weird. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
The book has its cheesy moments but that doesn’t mean it was bad. Cheese can be so
much fun. There are some detailed sex scenes, which is not really a thing I get into (hence the abundance of YA books on this blog). But hey, if that’s your thing.
I feel like if you enjoyed the Sookie books, you might also enjoy this one.